Monday, March 17, 2008

Diversity in Unity

India is known for unity in diversity. with 28 states, 7 union territories, 18 official languages, 200+ spoken languages, regional dialects, all religions, 3000+ caste categorizing into forward, backward,scheduled and around 25000 subcaste, its a tremendous effort that we have been in unity during the pre independance and post independance.

But if you drill deep down, is that true or are we living in an illusion. on one end we see states that kick people out, states that treat other regional people like enemies, states that would rather allow the water to go to the sea than to give it to neighbouring states, states that don't get attention, states where people want to merge with other countries. on the other end, within states we have people fighting for religion, caste, subcastes, etc., political parties who would do anything to get to power.

The only time we feel patriotic is during the cricket matches. i don't think, there is anything else that would unite indians other than cricket, not even speeches by presidents, prime ministers. the only other time i saw some unity visible among people was during the kargil.

we have been holding this unity in diversity for quite sometime. but to me it looks that india is still vulnerable the way it was when the britishers came to india. all it takes is that one stone that could stir this up. it could be in any form. with the current situation, we wouldn't even know that some one is already on it.

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